Monday, September 19, 2022


Every basketball fan likes who they like. On the other hand, it is usrless to dispute facts. Especially with lopsided comparisons such as this one. Meaning this, how can any rational person make the claim that Michael Jordan was a greater player than Wilt Chamberlain if tbe "Big Dipper" still owns 72 NBA records, while Michael Jordan only has 3?

Unfortunately, some people WANT to believe media propaganda. Yes, even when the statements are illogical and make absolutely no sense. Stating that Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of All-time makes no sense - NONE!!! Even a 1st grader knows that 72 is greater than 3 (72 > 3). 

* Actual player value can now be calculated by using each player's own production and accomplishments. Also, the formula is objective and accurate. In fact, it is so easy to use that a 5th grader can master it. For more information click the link below.

                 Player Valuation Numeric

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