Monday, August 29, 2022


When the 2021-2022 season started commentators had Kevin Durant rated as the MVP front runner, and even Giannis Antetokounmpo proclaimed him "the best player on the planet". Granted, KD is a perinniel All-star and a future first ballot Hall of Famer, but so are several players currently in the league. Fortunately, proof of superiority is always determined on the basketball court, not in chat rooms. Opinions simply carry no weight.

During the first round of the playoffs the Boston Celtics applied "Stop Steph Curry Defense" on Kevin Durant, and he looked VERY ORDINARY as a result. For the record, "Stop Steph Curry Defense" is an aggressive man to man with a second defender set to double team as soon as the "target"  passes half court. Kevin Durant scored his points, but he had to take a lot of shots with two Boston Celtic defenders contesting him when taking them. 

In addition, Durant had his shot blocked multiple times, missed often, and turned the ball over far too many times. For example, Kevin Durant shot 4/12 from the field, but still scored 27 points. Thank GOD for FREE throws and the love "stars players" get from referees. Everyone knows that a journey man veteran would NOT have gone to the line as many times as Durant if similar "fouls" happened to him.

                    How To Get Buckets

Think about this for a moment. Kevin Durant won two NBA Finals MVP awards with similar stats as Steph Curry but there was one big difference. Two players had been guarding Steph Curry while KD would be wide open or with single coverage the entire playoffs. For several years now Steph Curry has been getting  double teamed relentlessly as soon as he passes half court, and NBA fans have become desensitized to how incredibly difficult the defensive pressure is that Steph Curry "cooks" on a nightly basis because he makes it look easy.

I bet KD misses those wide open shots and single coverage. The Boston Celtics put "Steph Curry Defense" on KD, pulled out the only "broom" of the playoffs, and swept the Brooklyn Nets out of the playoffs in the first round. Also, everyone saw Durant's game diminish, and he has not been the same since. In fact, during this off season Durant requested a trade. He may be dreaming of better times, and want back in at Golden State. They won it all this season, so they do not need him or his gigantic contract. After several weeks no teams have pulled the trigger and made a deal. Apparently, they now realize that Durant is not built to do the "heavy lifting", or to be "Batman". 

* Coloring isn't just for kids any more. In fact, coloring helps improve sleep, focus, motor skills, and it reduces anxiety. For more information about a popular Adult Coloring Book available now click the link below.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Michael "Air" Jordan, Steph "Chef" Curry, or George "Iceman" Gervin?

Which one of these Top 75 NBA scoring legends shot over 50% for his career - Michael "Air" Jordan, Steph "Chef" Curry, or George "Iceman" Curry? Only one has, this is not a "trick question.

* Every player's value can be "objectively" calculated with the use of their own production, AND on-court accomplishments. In fact, it is so easy a 5th grader can do it. If you would like to find out how, then click the link below.

                 Player Valuation Numeric


It is well known world news that WNBA legend Brittney Griner has been detained, tried , and convicted for marijuana possession while in Russia. Unlike in the United States, getting caught with marijuana, or in this cause a marijuana vape cartridge, is a criminal offense. The penalty for this "crime" in Russia is nine (9) years in prison.

Despite all of the attempts to make a trade, a Russian prisoner for Brittney Griner, nothing has worked. That is when NBA legend, and self professed ambassador for peace, Dennis Rodman offered his services. Although not in an official capacity, Rodman was granted permissuin to attempt. The big question is can he succeed?

The short answer is YES. Anything is possible and crazier things have happened in the world. Who says that Dennis Rodman cannot communicate with Vladimir Putin and come to a mutually acceptable conclusion? After all, Rodman did ease the Kim Jong-un hatred of the United States created by our inept former president.

On the other hand, if I am asked "Will Dennis Rodman succeed in bringing Brittney Griner home?", then logic leads me to say no. 1000 times no!!! First of all, Putin is not Kim Jong-un. He already has what the North Korean leader wants, nuclear capabilities, and a strong army. Furthermore, Putin is not afraid to use them.

                       Basketball G.O.A.T

Currently, Vladimir Putin has the Russian Army fighting a war with Ukraine. He detained Brittney Griner in an attempt to gain "political leverage" with our country.  Our government leaders have been providing the Ukranian fighters with weapons that have allowed them to hold off Russian attacks and avoid what seemed like imminent defeat. As expected, Putin is p*ssed, has made threats, but the United States has held the course, and remained defiant.

History has shown that power corrupts. It does not make men more wise and/or more amicable. Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and most recently the orange toxic avenger have all displayed corruption, and the desire to dictate once in power. Bottom line, irrationally selfish people can NEVER be counted on to do the "right thing", they must be made to do it.

In conclusion, I applaud Dennis Rodman's desire to right a wrong, and his selflessness to put himself in harms way. Unfortunately, Putin is no fool. He knows that keeping Griner locked up could hurt Joe Biden' chances of reelection more than even keeping Dennis Rodman in a trade. Although Dennis Rodman is a Top 75 NBA great, hevis a social misfit. Ever since Rodman made his desire to travel to Russia public, he has been jokingly called an "Expendable". Sadly, I cannot debate this reality. If Dennis Rodman goesvto Russia, then he will probably just become another prisoner of war.

* Coloring is not just for kids anymore. Studies have shown that coloring improves sleep, motor skills, focus, and it reduces anxiety. For more information click the link below.

                  Word Art - Coloring Book

Thursday, August 25, 2022


If you are a NBA player, agent, family/free loader, or ignorant fan, then the title of this post may instigate a negative reaction. I understand, and I do not care. The truth is the truth whether it is pouplar or not. Here is a list of facts that show that the salary structure of the NBA is bloated, in decline, and in need of total restructuring.

* For the record, the average salary of a Fortune 500 CEO is $15.5M/ year.

1) The most recent back to back NBA MVP, Nikola Jokic, made slightly over $30M last season. Twenty eight players were paid more than Jokic. Several were not all stars, and a couple did not play even one game during the season.

2) In 2016 Mike Conley signed a contract that made him the highest paid players in the league. He co tract now makes him the 50th highest paid player in the league.

3) Ja Morant was 2nd team All-Pro, but the 109th highest paid player this past season. Next season he will not break the Top 100. Morant will receive an increase that takes him up to the Fortune 500 CEO pay range in the fillowing season.

4) Nikola Jokic just signed a five year $270M. The 5th year includes a player option salary of $60M. That is TWICE what Michael Jordan demanded in each of his final three champuonship years with the Bulls. Each NBA team's salary cap will increase to $122M, and Jokic's salary will be half of that.

                  100 Mazes for Beginners

Like Jokic, Michael Jordan was getting paid less than dozens of players he crushed on a nightly basis. After winning his third ring Jordan then requested a $30M one year contract. At the time that seemed outlandish, but Jordan brought back another NBA championship. Consequently, he was able to "go back to the well" two more times for $30M with no problem. MJ put up, and the Bulls paid up. Fair exchange is no robbery.

In total contrast, there were 39 players that made over $30M, and only 10 of them have NBA championship rings. Six are on the Top 10 highest paid list, which means that four of the pay leaders have won nothing. A total of four of the other 29 players that made $30M or more have championship rings as well. Therefore, a total of 29 out of 39  player making $30M/ year or more are not bonafide winners. Not only that, all of the "non-winners" whose contracts did not expire this year will be getting raises. That is like paying hitmen that miss bonuses.

Further, Steph Curry was the highest paid player this season, his team won the NBA championship, and he was rightfully voted the NBA Finals MVP after dropping 31 ppg on the Boston Celtics, the NBA's best defense, for six games. His pay is justified, just ask the Celtics.

On the other hand, the salaries of the 39 lowest paid players in the NBA, if combined, still do not earn what Steph Curry made this season. These same 39 players could also be paid with the individual salaries of John Wall (DNP), Russell Westbrook, James Harden, Damian Lillard (hurt), and Kawhi Leonard (hurt). These six players are receiving salaries that would pay 240 young players!!! Each would willingly accept one fourtieth of their pay ($1M) for 8 months of "work". 

The six players above are not "the problem", they are just making over $40M last season. The Los Angeles Lakers could not put a quality team on the court last season or this coming season because three players are taking up most of the salary cap space. Now the Lakers cannot give the underperforming Russell Westbrook away, and the Laker faithful cannot be happy. They are not the only NBA fan bases that wishes their GM made better choices.

* It is possible to "objectively" calculate player value. If all of the GMs in the NBA were aware of how to do it, then their teams would not be in such dilemnas. For detailed information that reveals every facet of the Player Valuation Numeric click the link below.
                  Player Valuation Numeric

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


When this question is asked one can guarantee that they will pick their favorite, for whatever reason, and actual facts will play very little in the decision. That us nothing new. It literally happens daily in chats, tweets, and group discussions on the internet. 

Therefore, I devised a series of legitimate questions to ask. Honest answers of them will yield a clear and obvious answer. Her are the questions.

Was Kobe stronger or more athletic? No
Was Kobe more versatile? No
Did he have a better high school career? No 
Has Kobe been a starter his entire career? No
Did Kobe score more points? No
More points per game? No
Faster to 10,000 points? No
Faster to 20,000 points? No
Faster to 30,000 points? No
More assists and/or assists per game? No
More total rebounds and/or rebounds per game? No
Has Kobe Bryant (or Michael Jordan) won an NBA Championship without Phil Jackson? No
Better 3-point shooting percentage? No
Higher Player Valuation Numeric score? No
More steals? No
More blocked shots? No
Higher field goal percentage? No
More Missed Shots? YES - Kobe has missed more field goal attempts than EVERY player in NBA history.
Is Kobe Bryant more valuable/better than Lebron James? 

The answer to the last question should be a "no-brainer" at this point. Be prepared for denial, and most likely heated responses, because previously assumed beliefs have just been decimated. Just remember, the truth is still the truth even if no one believes it, and  a lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it.

                  Player Valuation Numeric

Monday, August 22, 2022


There are 30 NBA teams, and 16 make the playoffs each year. Unfortunately, the parity amongst playoff appearances is far from equal. Although there are numerous teams in the league, a select few compete regularly for conference and league championships. For example, the Golden State Warrior franchise is innovative, takes educated risks, and consequently they have been to the NBA Finals six times in the last eight years, winning on four occasions. 

Unlike with the Golden State Warriors, there are four (4) areas that the less successful teams in the league neglect that would make them more competitive. The necessary adjustments can be made with planning, and everything can be done within the salary cap. All non-playoff teams that comply could become contenders in two seasons or less baring injuries by numerous key players. Here are the areas that NBA GMs need to upgrade.

1) Poor Payroll Management
Too many GMs are paying "star" players max contracts and it is coming back to bite them because of a little thing called the salary cap. The players that receive $30M or more consume a minimum of 25% of the total cap allowance. For example, the Los Angeles Lakers had three players that received $118.13M last season and the team's salary cap was only $112.5M. The Lakers were forced to pay a luxury tax for Lebron James', Anthony Davis', and Russell Westbrook's salaries alone.

Furthermore, the Lakers did not make the playoffs. They could not afford to pay ANY high quality free agents, and it showed. They did manage to get a player, Malik Monk, who performed above his pay scale. Consequently, this season Malik Monk signed with another team because the Lakers could not afford to keep him. 

                        Intangible Traits 

Also, after seeing four different players sign $200M contracts during the off-season I can say with confidence that those GMs (Bulls, Pelicans, Nuggets, Bullets) dropped their balls. I am certain that they would NOT make the same decisions if they were spending their own money.

2) Illogical Player Selection
Every year there are players that go to the NBA combine and excel in drills, or show exteme athleticism, which vaults them upwards on the draft boards. That is a good thing for those players that did not have the benefit of playing in high profile programs (ex: Damian Lillard/Weber State). Furthermore, the NBA GMs have a fetish for drafting "one and done" players strictly on perceived potential. This rarely works.

In addition, youth is overrated in the NBA. I have been both young, and I am now much older than every NBA player, and I can make a bold statement that applya here as well. I would never follow behind myself at 19 years of age. My 25 year old self would also obliterate the 19 year old version on the court. In fact, no one rational over 25 would EVER follow behind their 19 year old selves. Therefore, expecting a 19 or 20 year old to "turn around" an organization just does not translate in reality. When was the last time a rookie made 1st team All-Pro? When was the last time a rookie led his team to the NBA championship and won? Enough said.

Furthermore, every year several players 21 and younger are selected as NBA lottery picks. In addition, the length of the average NBA career is only 5 years, so most of the players drafted will be "former NBA players" by age 25. Therefore, using cap monies on young proven free agents is a more practical approach to building a solid and competitive rotation.

                       High IQ Hoops

3) Ineffective G-league Utilization
Each NBA team has a G-league affiliate where they harbour talent, reaclimate rehabilitated players, and give young prospects an opportunity to play against other professional newcomers and fringe veterans.

These teams can still do those things but better if they were set up like a NBA "JV" team. Meaning this, they can fill their roster with their actual draft picks as well as older (hardship juniors - 5th year seniors) unsigned draft picks. Ironically, several 1st and 2nd team All-Americans as well as proven high IQ Final Four participants go undrafted every year. They can be signed to two-way contracts and their preseason play can determine which roster they begin the season on. Better players make a better team not greater "potential". Can anyone say Fred Van Fleet?

4) Stop Agent Manipulations
Agents make money when they get players signed. The higher the client's salary, the more that the agent makes. Currently, top agents are selling organization "ham" at "prime rib" prices. This could never happen if the GMs had a greater understanding of "leverage", and/or an unwavering ability to say "no".

For example, what would have happened if the Chicago Bulls had told Zach Lavine's agent to test the market? The Bulls would have an option to match the offer. NBA teams have not jumped at the "opportunity" to trade for Kevin Durant and his $192M contract. Who would have paid Zach Lavine $214M after his recent lackluster playoff performance? The Bulls had the "leverage" advantage, but did not utilize it. The Bulls paid the motherload, but did not get better.

                         Pit Bull Defense 

Finally, every GM should discontinue the final year "player option". The option to keep a player should be the organizations, not the players. This would help orgznizations to avoid the final year balloon payments that are crippling NBA teams. Look how the $47M (Westbrook), $47M (Harden), $41M (Wall) salary obligations decimated their teams' chances of really being competitive.

If NBA GMs makes the adjustments listed in this post, then long term success is inevitable. By not over paying for "star" players they will be able to add several veterans that play really well. Believe it or not, Russell Westbrook's salary could literally pay the salaries of the 93 lowest paid NBA players all by itself. Many of these 93 athletes could "make noise" in the NBA if they just got an opportunity. Look what Malik Monk did last year, and how Fred Van Fleet became an All-star when their organizations took a chance on them.

* Instead of guessing or trying to please fans these NBA GMs can use the Player Valuation Numeric (PVN) to make wise roster decisions every time. If you would like to learn more about the PVN, then click the picture below.

                 Player Valuation Numeric 

Monday, August 8, 2022


PLEASE NOTE: If you are an Andre Igudala "fan boy", love Kevin Durant and own all of his sneakers, or a pathetic Steph Curry hater, then do not read this post. This artical is factual, indisputable, and it will drive weak minds crazy. Consider yourselves warned.

Before I explain why and how Steph Curry was bilked out of three NBA Finals MVP awards, I will show his playoff statistics during the time, as well as those of Kevin Durant and Andre Igudala, his teammates that won the awards instead of him. I will also mention relevant information that "gurus" conveniently fail to mention in order to progress their erroneous narratives.

1) Andre Igudala won the NBA Finals MVP in 2015. Here are his numbers during that series; 10.4 ppg, 4.5 rpg, 3.6 apg, and 1.2 spg. Igudala shot 47.4% from the field, and 35.4% 3 point range.

2) Kevin Durant played in three NBA Finals, and he won two Finals MVP awards along with his only two championship rings. Durant averaged 29.9 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 4.5 apg, 0.86 spg, as well as 51.9% from the field, and 40.7% from 3-point range.

                    How To Get Buckets 

3) Steph Curry has been to the NBA Finals six times in the last eight seasons, and he has walked away with four championship rings. During this span he was unusually consistent, and he averaged 27.3 ppg, 6.0 apg, 5.6 rpg, 1.76 spg, while shooting 45.9% from the field, and 41.5% from three point range.

From a strictly numeric point of view, it is blatantly obvious that Steph Curry, NOT Andre Igudala, deserved the Finals MVP award in 2015. In fact, everyone including Andre Igudala was surprised that he won the award over Steph Curry. The "gurus" claimed that it was because of Igudalas defense against Lebron James during the series. This theory holds no water because Lebron averaged 26.3 ppg, 10.4 rpg, and he shot 52.5% from the field. One "false positive" down with two more to go.

Furthermore, the other two NBA Finals MVP  awards went to the wrong player (Kevin Durant) as well and here is why. At first glance, Durant outscored Curry by two points per game, outrebounded him by only 1.2 rpg despite being over 1/2 foot taller, and KD shot five percentage points higher from the field. 

On the other hand, Steph Curry dished out 1.5 more assists per game, ripped over twice as many steals per game, and shot a higher percentage from three point range. From a statistical point of view neither player stood out over the other. The most glaring difference occurred on the basketball court (eye test), and no one that insists on being objective and honest can argue this reality.

                    Basketball G.O.A.T

As soon as Steph Curry passed half court two, three, and sometimes four players would leave their men to guard him. This speaks volumes because the Cleveland Cavaliers consciously left two of the best shooters in NBA history (Kevin Durant & Klay Thompson) wide open or with single coverage in order to keep as many hands in the face of  the BEST shooter of All-time. If they did not, then he would do what he did in last season's all-star game. That is, score 50 points without even playing the whole game.

Therefore, it is ridiculous to claim that Kevin Durant is on the same level as Steph Curry, or truly worthy of both Finals MVP award he received. Steph Curry was just as productive as KD with two, or more players draped all over him. 

Steph Curry's game has demanded this type of defensive attention ever since he won his first MVP award. Furthermore, anyone that disputes this fact either does not watch the Golden State Warriors play, or they are emotionally scared from my revelations.

For the record, the NBA Finals MVP award is subjectively voted on by 11 media members. More than half of them are on the Nike payroll just like Igudala and Durant. Their votes were far from objective because they voted for "family", while Steph Curry represents their competitor Under Armour.

                        Intangible Traits 

After losing an obviously "fixed" series to Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers the Warriors made a power move and signed Durant, the second highest grossing "Nike signee". With Durant on the floor Lebron could not run into the lane like a freight train, and then go to the foul line thanks to "mystery fouls" like he did the previous season. Durant would just co m.h e back and do the sane thing. Consequently, the defending "champion" Cleveland Cavaliers got their @sses kicked and sent home in five games.

Realistically speaking, NBA stands for Nike Basketball Association and 95% of the top players, coaches, and commentators have Nike contracts. Those that think Nike is above "influencing their employees" in order to continue their dominance in the basketball market are just being naive. 

In conclusion, I know that some clueless fans will attempt to say that Curry does not get the type of defensive attention that I claim. I have included several pictures within the post pic that show exactly what I mean. In addition, there are literally hundreds of these same types of pics online. I rest my case.

                       Pit Bull Defense 

Sunday, August 7, 2022


Every day I see posts claiming that various players are the Basketball G.O.A.T. All of these players are undoubtedly great, but there can be only one GREATEST. When debated one can bank on the other having a "subjective" response backing up their favorite player. The only way that a true G.O.A.T can be established is to be unapologetically "objective".

In order to be "objective" I researched the FACTS and four players stood out above the rest; Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and Wilt Chamberlain. When I calculated their actual player values, with the use of the Player Valuation Numeric, these four were the only players in NBA history with PVN scores over 50. On the other hand, one stood "head and shoulders" above the rest.

The Player Valuation Numeric calculates player value with the use of each players own production. Also, every player's score has a appropriate values added to it for championships, excellence points, and premium points. Weak points(ex: turnovers) are deducted from each score and no longer ignored.

                     Basketball G.O.A.T

Furthermore, "subjective" awards such as NBA MVP, NBA Finals MVP, All-star appearances, etc. are not used because they are voted on, which is subjective. In addition, scoring, rebounding, and other "league titles" are not given extra credit because their production is addressed within the PVN formula.

The casual fans primarily look at points and titles when judging players, but they rarely understand the value of the other stats, and the importance of being a well rounded player. For example, people speak highly about Bill Russell being the ultimate winner, and how superior he was as a defender. They rarely if ever mention that he was a TREMENDOUS rebounder. In fact, Russell averaged more rebounds than Kareem & Shaq COMBINED!!! Bill Russell was DOMINANT on the glass. He literally had multiple games of 40 rebounds or more. Bill Russell earned his high PVN score, it was not given.

In the book Basketball G.O.A.T the Player Valuation Numeric scores of the Top 150 are calculated and explained for those with specific questions. Although I have no intention of revealing specific scores, I will show the score difference between the "people's choice" G.O.A.T Michael Jordan, and Wilt Chamberlain the current owner of 72 NBA records. 

               Player Valuation Numeric

Common sense MADE me to compare these two because I found it hard to conceive that a player with 3 NBA records could be "greater" than a player with 72. Michael Jordan does own the all-time points per game scoring record, but he is only 0.1 ppg ahead of Wilt Chamberlain. On the other hand, Wilt was an even better rebounder than Bill Russell. In fact, he was the greatest rebounder of all-time with multiple 40 rebound games, and he even grabbed a NBA record 55 rebounds against Bill Russell and a Celtic's dynasty team. The comparison proved to be "eye opening".

With this being stated, Michael Jordan had an outstanding Player Valuation Numeric score of 50.0, but Wilt Chamberlain had an outrageous PVN score of 73.4!!! Taking into account that steals and blocked shots were not counted during Chamberlains time it makes his score even more amazing. Jordan's score includes both stats, but Chamberlain's does not. 

For the record, Wilt Chamberlain was a superior defender as well. He blocked Kareem's skyhook on multiple occasions, which no one else can claim. Furthermore, an independent researcher watched 118 Chamberlain games and he calculated an 8.8 blocks per game average. If both steals and blocked shots were added to Wilt Chamberlain's PVN score, then his score would easily have been greater than eighty (80.0). 

Player Valuation Numeric scores with a  0.5 difference may debated because of the numerical closeness. That is to be expected. Alternately, a difference of 23.4 is a waste of time disputung because the scores are not even close. Bottom line, those that do not accept the clear superiority of Wilt Chamberlain are living a lie. Also, there is no need to argue with them because they are in denial, and do not want to accept the truth. They are in the same category (clueless) as those that say 1+1=67. 

                        High IQ Hoops 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


If a knowledgeable basketball fan is asked who is the greatest of all time, or G.O.A.T, their answer will still be "subjective" and based on who they like the most. If this same fan was asked who is the greatest "winner" in basketball history, then the answer would be "objective", and everyone would say Bill Russell - PERIOD. There is simply no one even close.

For those that do not know, Bill Russell won two high school State Championships in California, two NCAA Championships, an Olympic gold medal, and 11 NBA Championships (in 13 seasons). In fact, within a one year period Bill Russell won an NCAA Championship, an Olympic gold medal, and his first NBA Championship. 

Furthermore, Bill Russell is one of only two players in NBA history to win an NBA Championship as s "player/coach". As DJ Khaled says in his award winning song, "All I do is win win win no matter what". He must have been reading Bill Russell's thoughts and channelling them for his certified triple platinum single.

                       Basketball G.O.A.T

In Bill Russell's era there were great players with more skill offensively, only one more gifted athletically, and NONE with a greater drive to win. At that time Wilt Chamberlain was the NBA's "Goliath". Wilt averaged more than 40 ppg and 20 rpg during his first six professuonal seasons. 

On the other hand, Bill Russell was the leagues "David". He fearlessly and single handedly challenged the mighty Goliath (Chamberlain) and came out victorious over and over. Believe it or not, one year Wilt Chamberlain averaged 50.4 ppg & 25.7 rpg, made first team All-Pro, but the Celtics won the title again, and Bill Russell was named the league MVP despite not being a first team All-Pro. That is how much respect the league had for Bull Russell a d his direct influence on the nottom lkne "winning".

In conclusion, Bill Russell was a GREAT athlete, teammate, and man. Also, Russell was an activist for the equal rights of all, and treated people like he wanted to be treated. He was fearless with his convictions, and there has never been a more consistent winner in basketball or all of sports. Sixteen (16) Championships during a 19 year period is simply amazing, and literally incomporable. 

                     How To Get Buckets 


The picture above is 100% correct, and loyal Michael Jordan fans are probably ready to put out a "hit". I understand. I am basically saying their idol and his team had flaws. He, and they, did because ALL players do, and good coaches exploit them.

This dream match up could never happen because of one commonality - STEVE KERR. If some how Kerr was able to do both, then his more wise coaching side would find a way to neutralize "Kerr the player's" effectiveness, and make him play Steph Curry head to head constantly. 

The eventual scoring onslaught would undoubtedly force Jordan or Pippen to guard Curry. Curry cooks All-defense performers every day, and he decimated the great Celtic defense. No one player can guard a great offensive player, and none of the Bulls are exempt from this reality.  Unfortunately for the Bulls, Steph Curry is a step above other great scorers because he is a LEGIT threat to score as soon as he passes half court. Furthermore, Curry can create space to shoot at will because of his ball handling skill.

                 Player Valuation Numeric

Bottom line, Michael Jordan and the Bulls would have to double team Steph Curry just like everyone else!!! The Boston Celtics learned this lesson in game 1 in the NBA Finals when Curry "torched" them for 21 points in the furst quarter. 

Once the Curry double teaming begins to happen it is the beginning of the end. Klay, Draymond, Wiggins, and Poole will continue to keep the ball moving and then start hitting open shots. Once they start reigning three pointers, and they would, it starys to get ugly. If MJ encountered the Warriors after his third championship, then he would be stuck at three. The Warriors are clearly in a league ABOVE the Utah Jazz, and Phoenix Suns of the Jordan era. 

In conclusion, this post will be hated, but denying the truth does not change the facts. The Bulls would not have gotten "swept", but they would not have had a real chance of winning. Jordan and the Bulls finally emerged as winners when the "great ones" (Dr.J, Moses, Bird, McHale, Isaih) got old and/or hurt. The GSW would have been ready with fresh legs, and the outcome would have been different.

                            Bad B.I.T.C.H