Saturday, August 27, 2022


It is well known world news that WNBA legend Brittney Griner has been detained, tried , and convicted for marijuana possession while in Russia. Unlike in the United States, getting caught with marijuana, or in this cause a marijuana vape cartridge, is a criminal offense. The penalty for this "crime" in Russia is nine (9) years in prison.

Despite all of the attempts to make a trade, a Russian prisoner for Brittney Griner, nothing has worked. That is when NBA legend, and self professed ambassador for peace, Dennis Rodman offered his services. Although not in an official capacity, Rodman was granted permissuin to attempt. The big question is can he succeed?

The short answer is YES. Anything is possible and crazier things have happened in the world. Who says that Dennis Rodman cannot communicate with Vladimir Putin and come to a mutually acceptable conclusion? After all, Rodman did ease the Kim Jong-un hatred of the United States created by our inept former president.

On the other hand, if I am asked "Will Dennis Rodman succeed in bringing Brittney Griner home?", then logic leads me to say no. 1000 times no!!! First of all, Putin is not Kim Jong-un. He already has what the North Korean leader wants, nuclear capabilities, and a strong army. Furthermore, Putin is not afraid to use them.

                       Basketball G.O.A.T

Currently, Vladimir Putin has the Russian Army fighting a war with Ukraine. He detained Brittney Griner in an attempt to gain "political leverage" with our country.  Our government leaders have been providing the Ukranian fighters with weapons that have allowed them to hold off Russian attacks and avoid what seemed like imminent defeat. As expected, Putin is p*ssed, has made threats, but the United States has held the course, and remained defiant.

History has shown that power corrupts. It does not make men more wise and/or more amicable. Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and most recently the orange toxic avenger have all displayed corruption, and the desire to dictate once in power. Bottom line, irrationally selfish people can NEVER be counted on to do the "right thing", they must be made to do it.

In conclusion, I applaud Dennis Rodman's desire to right a wrong, and his selflessness to put himself in harms way. Unfortunately, Putin is no fool. He knows that keeping Griner locked up could hurt Joe Biden' chances of reelection more than even keeping Dennis Rodman in a trade. Although Dennis Rodman is a Top 75 NBA great, hevis a social misfit. Ever since Rodman made his desire to travel to Russia public, he has been jokingly called an "Expendable". Sadly, I cannot debate this reality. If Dennis Rodman goesvto Russia, then he will probably just become another prisoner of war.

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