Sunday, August 7, 2022


Every day I see posts claiming that various players are the Basketball G.O.A.T. All of these players are undoubtedly great, but there can be only one GREATEST. When debated one can bank on the other having a "subjective" response backing up their favorite player. The only way that a true G.O.A.T can be established is to be unapologetically "objective".

In order to be "objective" I researched the FACTS and four players stood out above the rest; Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and Wilt Chamberlain. When I calculated their actual player values, with the use of the Player Valuation Numeric, these four were the only players in NBA history with PVN scores over 50. On the other hand, one stood "head and shoulders" above the rest.

The Player Valuation Numeric calculates player value with the use of each players own production. Also, every player's score has a appropriate values added to it for championships, excellence points, and premium points. Weak points(ex: turnovers) are deducted from each score and no longer ignored.

                     Basketball G.O.A.T

Furthermore, "subjective" awards such as NBA MVP, NBA Finals MVP, All-star appearances, etc. are not used because they are voted on, which is subjective. In addition, scoring, rebounding, and other "league titles" are not given extra credit because their production is addressed within the PVN formula.

The casual fans primarily look at points and titles when judging players, but they rarely understand the value of the other stats, and the importance of being a well rounded player. For example, people speak highly about Bill Russell being the ultimate winner, and how superior he was as a defender. They rarely if ever mention that he was a TREMENDOUS rebounder. In fact, Russell averaged more rebounds than Kareem & Shaq COMBINED!!! Bill Russell was DOMINANT on the glass. He literally had multiple games of 40 rebounds or more. Bill Russell earned his high PVN score, it was not given.

In the book Basketball G.O.A.T the Player Valuation Numeric scores of the Top 150 are calculated and explained for those with specific questions. Although I have no intention of revealing specific scores, I will show the score difference between the "people's choice" G.O.A.T Michael Jordan, and Wilt Chamberlain the current owner of 72 NBA records. 

               Player Valuation Numeric

Common sense MADE me to compare these two because I found it hard to conceive that a player with 3 NBA records could be "greater" than a player with 72. Michael Jordan does own the all-time points per game scoring record, but he is only 0.1 ppg ahead of Wilt Chamberlain. On the other hand, Wilt was an even better rebounder than Bill Russell. In fact, he was the greatest rebounder of all-time with multiple 40 rebound games, and he even grabbed a NBA record 55 rebounds against Bill Russell and a Celtic's dynasty team. The comparison proved to be "eye opening".

With this being stated, Michael Jordan had an outstanding Player Valuation Numeric score of 50.0, but Wilt Chamberlain had an outrageous PVN score of 73.4!!! Taking into account that steals and blocked shots were not counted during Chamberlains time it makes his score even more amazing. Jordan's score includes both stats, but Chamberlain's does not. 

For the record, Wilt Chamberlain was a superior defender as well. He blocked Kareem's skyhook on multiple occasions, which no one else can claim. Furthermore, an independent researcher watched 118 Chamberlain games and he calculated an 8.8 blocks per game average. If both steals and blocked shots were added to Wilt Chamberlain's PVN score, then his score would easily have been greater than eighty (80.0). 

Player Valuation Numeric scores with a  0.5 difference may debated because of the numerical closeness. That is to be expected. Alternately, a difference of 23.4 is a waste of time disputung because the scores are not even close. Bottom line, those that do not accept the clear superiority of Wilt Chamberlain are living a lie. Also, there is no need to argue with them because they are in denial, and do not want to accept the truth. They are in the same category (clueless) as those that say 1+1=67. 

                        High IQ Hoops 

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